Moynihan Report: The Negro Revolution

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In the first chapter of the Moynihan Report the author covered the basis of a few topics related to the Negro Revolution. He talked about three events, which were labeled as political events, administrative events, and legal events. These three types of events all were a part of the onset of the Negro revolution. In the political events, the authors talked about how the Negros came together as a mass movement. The author described the organization to be more disciplined because of how they established close ties with religious groups which help maintain relationships with political parties and with segments of the trade union. The administrative events also came in threefold as well. The administrative events were summed up in the fact …show more content…

The family is supposed to shape character. How you should act when you’re an adult in society is learned as a child. The child learns a way of looking at life and it shapes how they will act as adults. People tend to think that family life is the same for everyone in American society. The white families have stability and maintain it but the family structure of lower class African Americans is unstable. There is evidence that the African American community is dividing into a stable middle class group and a disadvantaged lower class group. Almost a quarter of African American marriages don’t last. Almost a quarter of African American women who married are divorced, separated, or are not living with their husband. The rates are highest in the Northeast. Almost 1 quarter of African American births are illegitimate. Almost one fourth of African American families are headed by a woman. There has been an increase in welfare dependency. Most African American children receive public assistance under the AFDC program and 90% of ADC families are African …show more content…

They were taught to hate one another, which created self-hate that is now demonstrated in the Negro communities today. African Americans have adopted matriarchal structure during slavery, where the woman is dominant in the household. The Negro man was ripped away to work, leaving the woman to provide for home. The author is discussing the missing male at home, which is disadvantage to the minority group. The problem with the matriarchal structure is the African Americans are focusing on one principle, while the majority is focusing on another principle. There are more men in leadership roles than present in households. There’s 1 out 4 Negro fathers missing from the household. However, there’s a number of Negro families that broken away from the pathology to consider themselves as independent and stable. In those families study have shown children, who were protected by their parents performed better than their white peers. Families who had both mother and father, was more likely to succeed than a household with

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