Movie Analysis: A Bronx Tale

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In the movie, “A Bronx Tale” the story is about the life of kid named Calogero, “C” for short, living and growing up in a neighborhood within his own type of culture. The time is around the 1960’s when the Italian mob was seen everywhere on the streets showing power and being feared. But also you had racial tension with other types of people and in the movie that is seen when two neighborhoods start waging war against each were African-American neighborhood against the Italian-American neighborhood. The story begins with C being a child and witnessing a murder down by Sonny the neighborhood mob boss. The explanation for the way the system worked was based on fear. When the police went to question young Calogero his father even told him …show more content…

In a neighborhood of crime, there are many reason why those types of people to commit acts against society. First part is when and where the story takes place because that is one theory on why people commit crimes is because it is learned from other people. What I talking about is Social Learned Theory and the definition coming from our class book criminology is “the view that people learn the techniques and attitudes of crime from close relationships with criminal peers, crime is a learned behavior.” The day-to-day interaction we have with various people and organizations help shape our lives and sometimes without us knowing it. Think about the people you tried to immolate while you were a kid. Now C is growing up within the life of a mob boss and the protection that comes with it. Having all this power and being respected from a lot people that you wouldn’t normally get from some people as young child makes quit an impression. With the rest the kids growing up with him they are all trying to live the gangster life. It’s not like the kids see none of the bad stuff they all just see the good and fin things. Once you grow up into something or only seen one type of doing things in the neighborhood then that will be your life. You could be so involved with criminal activity but not know it if what you are doing is right or wrong but just knowing this is how things are done

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