Mourning The Death Of A Pet Analysis

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A Pet’s Life Individuals in today’s world seem more driven by money and “things” rather than experiences. The strength of relationships is often undervalued. However that is not the case in Marley and Me, “Packing the Car For Our Western Camping Trip” as well as “Mourning the Death of a Pet”. In these pieces, relationships are valued highly, even if they are not human. The value of life is not determined by material wealth, like it is in today’s society, but rather the relationships that are formed. In the world today relationships are not valued very highly. However the pieces of Marley and Me, “Packing the Car For Our Western Camping Trip” as well as “The Mourning the Death of a Pet”, all show the importance of relationship. All of these …show more content…

These pieces stress the importance of all lives, even animals. For example, “Packing the Car” shows the value of a dog’s life in “And when he died in Minnesota…we smelled those marvelous paws”(5 “Packing”). This quote clearly illustrates that it doesn’t matter that the dog was just a dog; the pet owners’ had built a serious bond with the animal. The bond that was created is much like a brother or sister, representing that the relationship between animals and humans is just as important as humans with humans. The importance of relationships is also stressed in “Packing the Car” during the lines of “We tried to take the dog, packed around him, making a cozy spot at the back of the Subaru” (3-6 “Packing”.). This quote illustrates the importance of the family’s dog in connection with their entire family. It is evident this family sees the dog as another part of the family, like a brother or sister. The family sees no reason why they can’t take him, since he is a valued member of their family. This scene illustrates that all relationships are important, not just the human …show more content…

In this increasingly fast paced world individuals have one goal in mind: getting ahead at all cost. This type of mentality is even evident in high schools today. Students are trying to cram more and more extracurricular activities and honors classes into their schedule to try and get ahead of their competition. With little free time, it is almost impossible for students to build relationships if all their focus is trying to get ahead of other competitors. Through this type of mentality, relationships are not formed and students become addicted to material goals such as good grades, and how high their GPA is, rather than the importance of connections with others. The value of life is not determined by material wealth, like today’s society, but rather the relationships that are formed. Through Marley and Me, “Mourning the Death of a Pet”, as well as “Packing the Car For Our Western Camping Trip”, the importance of relationships is stressed. However that is not entirely true with the fast paced world around society today. Many individuals see relationships as a second tier aspect in their lives, coming after material success. However, one won’t realize how much relationships matter until they don’t have

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