Mount Sinai In Ancient Egypt

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The name of the sacred mountain before which Israel encamped at the time of the law giving and the establishing of the covenant relationship .The Hebrew is sometimes qualified by the words hill or mountain or desert. Sinai less likely the name of a mountain than the normal designation of one particular peak in the Sinai wilderness. In OT both desolate Rephidim area to the northwest and the mount itself area called Horeb. In OT the covenant between God and Israel .The location of this mounatain is uncertain. Mt Sinai is also called Horeb in the Old Testament .Traveling past Marah and Elim the isralites reached Sinai in third month after their departure from Egypt. This is the place Lord Himself reveled himself to Moses on this Mountain …show more content…

It has been positively identified with modern Khirbet Sailum, a tell or archaeological mound. It is located hear modern Shiloh, South of ancient Tirzah and 10 miles north of Beth. Shiloh was the major Israelite cultic centre before the first temple was built in Jerusalem. The meaning of the word “Shiloh” is unclear. It is translated as a Messianic title that means he whose it is Shiloh is situated north of Bethel, east of the Bethel-Shechem highway. According to the biblical record, it was at Shiloh that the tent of meeting was set up in the early days of the conquest, and it was the principle sanctuary of the Israelites during the time of the Judges. It was the site of a local annual festival of dancing in the vineyards, perhaps at the feast of ingathering, which once provides the man of Benjamin with an opportunity to seize the maidens for wives (Jdg 21:19). Long before the advent of the Israelites, Shiloh was a walled city with a religious shrine or sanctuary during Middle and Late Bronze Age Canaan. When the Israelites arrived in the land, they set up there the ancient wilderness tent holy place. Shiloh was one of the main centers of Israelite worship during the pre-monarchic period by virtue of the presence there of the Tent Shrine and Ark of the …show more content…

The New Testament matrons Samaria in Luke17: 11-12 in the miraculous healing of the ten lepers. Which took place on the boarder of Samaria and Galilee? The origins of Samaritans of the new testament as a distinctive group should probably not be sought before the start of the Hellenistic period (end of the 4th century BC), when shechem was rebuilt after a long period of desolation. The enemies of the Jewish community in the earlier Persian period mentioned in Ezra and Nehemiah would then be some of inhabitants of the north province whose opposition to the rebuilding of Jerusalem was mainly stirred by political motive. It was inevitable that attitudes between the Jews of Jerusalem and the Samaritans should have begun to harden. Since the main theological writings of the Samaritans, come from only the 4th century AD, and often much later it is almost impossible to reconstruct in detail their beliefs in the New Testament period. The attitude of the Jewish Mishnah and Talmud towards the Samaritans, as of Josephus is

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