Motif Of The Green Light In The Great Gatsby

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Motif Essay
In “The Great Gatsby” the Motif of the green light is used to symbolize Daisy. The green light is located on a dock in front of her house. Gatsby lives across the lake from her, so every time he sees the green light it reminds him that his love is so close yet so far away. Because of this, the theme pertaining to my chosen motif is love.
The quote “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us” shows that he truly believed that he and daisy could truly have a chance. This quote more than anything, emphasizes his hope. It means that he hoped for a truly amazing future with Daisy (represented by the green light), due to his use of the word “orgastic”. It also brings forth the point that in his mind there was no possibility for a negative outcome with Daisy …show more content…

His only vision was a perfect future with the girl of his dreams.
Next, the quote “And as I sat there brooding on the old, unknown world, I thought of
Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it.” Emphasizes Gatsby’s strong desire for Daisy. It sums up the fact that
Gatsby struggled so much to get to where he was just so he can be with the love of his life.
Furthermore, it shows that Gatsby will stop at nothing to obtain Daisy. Lastly, it gives the reader the sense of desperation he feels to have Daisy as his girl.
The quote “green breast of the new world” once again ties back to the motif of the green light. It emphasizes the excitement Gatsby feels when he thinks about Daisy. The author uses this quote as a reference toward the discovery of America. By doing this, the author is saying that the excitement Gatsby has pertaining to Daisy is comparable to that of the discovery

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