Mother Teresa Case Study

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When Mother Teresa went to India, she had a choice between helping the poor or just walking away. Mother Teresa clearly did not walk away. Instead, she helped right away. Mother Teresa was a woman of wise words and once said, “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” Mother Teresa points how poverty-stricken India is and how much help this third world country needs. In addition, she has helped India greatly, claiming many achievements, and had had a strong effect on everyone. Mother Teresa’s experience with poverty made her want to become a humanitarian, had memorable
For example, she wanted to start a new congregation, called Missionaries of Charity, which vows free service to the poorest of the poor. To her joy, Pope Pius XII approved Teresa’s new congregation. In this missionary, the nuns served food to the poor. Although Teresa was deprived of a “normal” school environment of desks, chairs, chalk, and pencils, this did not stop her as she taught children how to read and write. Later, Pope Paul VI presented Teresa with with the Decree of Praise for her determined work with the Missionaries of Charity, which led to Mother Teresa to expand internationally. Inspired by Mother Teresa, many people began to make donations. They gave her tables and chairs. Over time, Mother Teresa funded over 140 schools in India (Sullivan and Ingpen 24). However, she never wanted any of them to be named after her. Furthermore, Mother Teresa’s love for poor children allowed her to establish orphanages with no parents. In this orphanage, she taught orphans how to wash themselves with soap, and much to her dismay, she saw the terrible conditions of their cleanliness. This classroom of orphans quickly grew to 30 students and her project became very popular, with many people donating to her cause. Someone even offered her a house to conduct these teachings. After Mother Teresa’s work, she was inspired by many and was rewarded by a very memorable prize. In 1972, Malcolm
On September 5, 1997, Mother Teresa died at the age of 87. Ever since her death, she has remained in the public spotlight. She later wrote in one of her letters, "Where is my Faith—even deep down right in there is nothing, but emptiness and darkness—My God—how painful is this unknown pain—I have no Faith—I dare not utter the words & thoughts that crowd in my heart—& make me suffer untold agony." This has made Mother Teresa a more relatable figure ( Editors. Mother Teresa is one of the greatest humanitarians of her time. She combined empathy and passionate commitment to her cause. Teresa’s great organizational skills allowed her to create an effective organization of missionaries to help the poor citizens around the world. In addition, Mother Teresa had a tremendous scale of her charitable activities and the millions of people that she has helped. However, she held a modest thought of her own achievements. Mother Teresa states that, "By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus." On December 17, 2015, Pope Francis gave an order that recognized a second miracle associated with Mother Teresa. The second miracle involved the healing of a man in Santos, Brazil, who was diagnosed with a viral brain infection and lapsed into a coma. His

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