Mother Daughter Relationships In The Scarlet Letter And The Plague Of Doves

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The natural bond created between mother and child is unique and varies from pair to pair, but is always defined by love. Although not all of these relationships are by blood, the wisdom, strength, and care that women bestow upon children is always evident, as well as the impact that a child has on a mother's character. This concept is represented in the books The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and The Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich. All of these books encompass prime examples of mother daughter relationships.The mothers in these books have a profound effect on who their children are, and in turn, the children influence the strength of character the mother’s develope. In Oscar Wao, Oscar is impacted by Lola, Yunior, and others, but the person that shapes his character the most is his mother. …show more content…

The Plague of Doves proves the influence of a mother figure, even one not connected by blood. Sister Anita teaches her student Evelina the ability to feel pure love almost instantly through her presence at the school. Whether good or bad, children learn from their parents subconsciously, and parents learn from their children the same way. In the three novels, there is a strong maternal bond present, both through blood and role model figures, that positively influences each character. This relationship makes each and every character stronger, and had they not existed, would cause the characters to not develop as strongly throughout each of their

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