Most Influential Events In 20th Century Women's History

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In the dark street there are ladies of the evening that avoid those who are there to extend a hand of compassion and presence. There are women who can easily be alienated if someone with a collar extends a hand of friendship. A collar seen as a safety when working in the middle of the night the perception if they see I am clergy they will not harm me. I began asking questions of these women when I came to the grand realization that some were Muslim. I was not aware that Muslim women were prostitutes. I honestly did not know and it has become my passion to learn more. The more I have learned the more confused I have become. The more confused I have become, the more determined to be educated. This paper has been a very difficult journey, but one that I take with honor as I learn about the strong women that continue to endure persecution.

Equality between all male and female should be universal regardless of class or religious affiliation; however, that is not the case in the world we live. There is still …show more content…

Prostitution and adultery being my focus, it is only fair that I show the struggles we in the United States have had with it ourselves. A Century of Women: The most influential events in 20th Century Women’s History by Deborah G. Felder states, “The passage of the Mann Act, which aimed at stopping the perceived threat of what was then called “white slavery” –the forcing of women into prostitution. It was only one legislative victory for Progressive Era antivice reformers to enforce a changed attitude to prostitution and legalize morality. Felder also points out that the attempt early in the century to deal with the unsettling image of the fallen woman as well as the trafficking of sexual favors, ran counter to the prevailing notion of female purity and decency.” (Felder,

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