Mortgage Fraud Essay

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Fraud generally means any form of intentional misrepresentation and deception.

What is Mortgage Fraud?

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), mortgage fraud is “a crime characterized by some type of material misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission on a loan which is then relied upon by a lender. Basically, lying on your mortgage loan application is mortgage fraud.”

Mortgage fraud is a predatory lending practice that involves either the borrowers or lenders, and other industry professionals.

Why is Mortgage Fraud Committed?

First time homebuyers and industry professionals tend to commit mortgage fraud for many different reasons. Most commonly committed frauds are for housing and for profit.

Fraud for Housing

The borrowers’ goals of
Fraud for Profit

Loan officials and other industry professionals commit fraud for profit by misstating, misrepresenting or omitting important details about their personal or their customers’ employment and income, current debts and credits, or the value of the property and its condition with the objective of getting mximum profits on a mortgage loan transaction.

It is important to note that this type of fraud can be committed by any industry professional involved in the loan process. It can include the real estate agent, real estate appraiser, loan officer, credit and debt counselor, mortgage broker, insurance agent, escrow agent, builder and title company among others.

Some industry professionals also work together with a specific network to defraud lenders and borrowers, and underwriters to take advantage of these people for high fees and share any profits on all provided mortgage-related services.

Common Mortgage Fraud Scams


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