Mortal vs. Immortal: No One is Perfect and Everyone Worships False Gods

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People have always idolized those who seemed perfect. Despite the fact that, “Nobody is perfect,” most people admire their “false god” as needless to say, perfect. However for many people, their idol is a god or gods, because they are pre conceived as perfect. Greek gods however neglected this image and brought us to the fact that, that although the Olympians were gods, they had very human flaws or frailties. Unlike the words we use to characterize gods, we describe the Olympians as having poor relations among one another, a some what phobia of change, and holding bitter grudges.

Many people correlate the greek gods not having problems with love considering Aphrodite is a national love symbol. Nonetheless defects regarding love within the Greek gods are very abundant. Zeus and Hera are one of the primary examples of love imperfection. Hera loves Zeus, and their relationship is a typical, girl loves boy, boy marries girl, boy cheats on girl, girl is heartbroken, love story. However Hera does something that not many women would do, she sticks by him, she also tries to kill the offspring of every child Zeus has, she may still love him on the other hand she may have lost her marbles. Not many gods have this type of relationship and that is why their devotion to one another is slightly mad. Aphrodite and Hephaestus however is mostly just a parody marriage. The other Olympians were making a cruel joke by marrying Hephaestus to Aphrodite. Aphrodite loathed her husband, mostly because he was a cripple and extremely ugly. As a result of Hephaestus being the son of Zeus and Hera, it may be the very reason that Zeus decided to have most of his children with other women. To conclude the Olympians are not far off from the mortals, ...

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...d will have to deal with 7 months without growing crops as a result of Demeter’s lingering grudge against Hades. Another grudge that has brought great suffering towards mortals was the Trojan War. Paris having picked Aphrodite as the most beautiful resulted in Hera and Athene having a grudge against Paris and Aphrodite. Moreover this grudge was not finished until the war was finished and many mortal lives were lost. As a result of these futile grudges, there have been many casualties towards the mortals. Moreover because the olympians were arrogant (and immortal) they couldn’t see how their grudges harmed the mortals, much like what normal grudges do.

In the end, Olympian gods do not differ greatly with mortals when considering flaws. From having relationship problems to holding grudges both to some extent deal with these flaws the same way.

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