Moral Values Of Social Media

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What is media and what are moral values? MEDIA: Derived from the Latin word “Medius” which means “middle”. In general, the word media simply refer to various means of communication. There exist many selections that fall under the “media” category; such as, the classics that involve print media, talk radio, newspaper, television news, broadcast media, and the modern king the internet. Back in the days people used to communicate via letters mostly, they would get news feeds by listening to the radio as it was the first invented among all of the above. None the less, not everyone had such a medium. Unlike today, the evolution hit us with a new program called Technology. Computers, mobile phones and various devices were introduced in the early 70s; yet the internet was not used as frequently as it has been in the early 2000s and still is. Considering the most commonly …show more content…

Yes, it is a source of communication, helps people make new relations, helps share and develop ideas, it helps you see what is happening on the other side of the world and it definitely updates you on life every second. However, despite all of its objectives it unfortunately does come with various disadvantages for many. Let us introduce ourselves to the formal pros of social media in detail. 1. It allows the individual to put themselves out there in a good way, 2. Gives students with the ability to communicate in other educational systems, 3. Provides ways to communicate with either new or old friends, helps with mailing, 4. Could be used as a medium of education for some, it easily makes an impact regarding the environment (i.e. promotes water saving campaigns etc.), 5. Allows the unemployed to find available job vacancies, 6. Used to advertise a certain brand, promotes new ideas, and much more. The pros of social media are unlimited, however, despite its limited cons they may outweigh the many advantages due to how risky they tend to

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