Moral Distress: An Invisible Challenge For Trauma Nurses

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Emotional distress is a major problem in nursing because it is causing nurses to quit their jobs, have medical issues, and not show up to work. Nurses are a huge part of the world. When someone is severely ill, they are always there to treat their patients. Over the years nurses have left their positions because they have fallen into emotional distress. The world cannot live without nurses because they are part of a team that's helping the world not end. They are helping to keep people alive.
One of the reasons why emotional distress is a problem in nursing is because it is causing nurses to quit their jobs.According to the article “ Moral Distress: An Invisible Challenge for Trauma Nurses”, it states that, ”The cost paid from unattended moral distress is significant when nurses leave their high acuity positions or even leave the nursing profession altogether. Nurses communicate at times they cannot identify their feelings and how to manage what they consider moral distress” ( Houghtaling). This is a problem because if we start losing nurses, it will leave hospitals with low staff and that will cause the other nurses to become overwhelmed because they …show more content…

Absenteeism is a huge part as to why hospitals have low staff and possibly the reason why emergency room visits are really long. Nursing stress produces other organizational consequences. It has been linked to a number of poor outcomes, such as lower morale, reduced job performance, increased tardiness, and absenteeism. If nurses don't show up to work, their boss might be obligated to fire them because not showing up to work is unacceptable. Finding replacements for the nurses is hard. In the article,”Alleviating Job Stress in Nurses”, it says that, A survey of turnover in acute care facilities found that replacement costs for nurse positions were equal to or greater than 2 times their annual

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