Moonshine Research Paper

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BACKGROUND PAPER ON SUSTENANCE AND HEALTH 1. Imagine yourself, a soldier, returning home from the American Revolutionary War. Now, picture your own government placing outrageous tax on spirits and wine to pay for the expense of fighting such a long war. Think about how angry that would make you. Especially, when you just fought to free your country from oppressive British taxes. This paper is about sustenance and health and how the production and distribution of moonshine shaped our culture and its impact on today’s America. Let’s start by taking a closer look at the production of moonshine. 2. In the early years, moonshining was all about survival. It wasn’t just a hobby or way to pass the time. Farmers could survive harsh winters by turning their harvests into profitable whiskey. Having that extra income made cruel frontier living seems almost tolerable. To counter the production of moonshine, federal agents (called Revenuers) would travel around to collect tax often being tarred and feathered in the process. Although moonshiners faced many challenging obstacles, it flourished throughout the United States, especially in …show more content…

Bootlegging is simply the illegal traffic in liquor in violation of governmental restrictions. Canada also abolished liquor during the time of prohibition. Sparking people to smuggle alcohol through the U.S.-Canadian border. Methods of concealment ranged from digging underground tunnels to disguising old milk trucks. One story told about bootleggers strapping cow hoofs to the bottom of their soles to hide their footprints from prohibition agents. Bootlegging, also, helped lead to the establishment of American organized crime, which persisted long after the repeal of Prohibition2. Organized gangs would virtually take over city and rural streets. These same organizations had to find new methods to evade the law while delivering their products. Resulting in the first production of the stock car. And later formed what we know now as

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