Monologue Of An African Canadian Film Maker

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Cover letter. My name I is xxxxxxxx a am an African Canadian Film maker who immigrated to Canada since 2010 as refugee. I am a Scriptwriter and Video editor living in Edmonton. I wrote Culprits, a feature-length film screenplay that deals with the tragedy and complexities of human trafficking here in Canada and worldwide and then produced a short film about it . It is the culmination of the growing concern that I have about the prevalence of trafficking in our country. (Canada) I am submitting my Short film to XXXXX Film festival With hope the selection or nomination on this big festival Will help spread the New to the Audience since xxxxxxx is one of the big festival that have the world’s attention, . My Short film and is important to society, and it is important to me at a deeply personal level. I have a family member who was a victim of human trafficking, and I have an intimate understanding of the horrific practice. I also have a cast who can relate to this story because of their past experiences. …show more content…

I produced this movie with my hard earning as a parent of two children and Call Centre Agent. This is the sacrifice I made. I wil tell you that XXXX Film festival is an event That I was watching behind a small TV in In Africa with no Clue or Idea that someday I will n make something I will submit to It. Am typing this message with tears of joy. My cast and crew Joined and volunteered in this project because they believe this story need to be told. A selection or animation to this festival, Will give hope to everybody who came to Canada as a refugee that this is a country with many possibility. And it will encourage than they can contribute in one way or the another. My cast and crew and they will all know that their effort to produce this film was note in vain. XXX film festival is also with us to Spread this

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