Monologue Between Romeo And Juliet

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I don’t know what to do now… My husband has killed my cousin Tybalt! Romeo why? Why Romeo why? My dear cousin, who was closely bonded to me by blood has been slayed by Romeo’s hands just after we were married today. Nevertheless, I don’t know whether to speak ill of Romeo or praise him. For my nurse called Romeo a villain, though he is my hero. However, when my nurse announced to me there was a death earlier today. I was extremely anxious and thought the dead man was Romeo? Thankfully it wasn’t. Although, my love is enamored with Romeo and I had only been a wife for a few hours. My feelings overflow with thankfulness my husband is still alive and tears of joy continually pour down on my cheeks. Why do I feel this way? Love is so mysterious it could transform adversaries into friends, enemies into lovers, and so on. …show more content…

No, I’ll not doubt my decision, because we now husband and wife and our love is stronger then anything imaginable. Furthermore, my cousin has always been one who loved to quarrel, especially with Romeo’s family, the Montagues. It was his choice to kill my husband’s friend and Tybalt deserved this punishment, however I am quite depressed with the outcome of their battle. Besides, all this drama might be the sign of the stars that my husband and I were not meant to be. Why did my husband get banished for such a deed? Since he was only justifying for a friend, however his sentence of banishment is the compensation for Tybalt’s death. Tybalt was my kin, and my family has taken a fatal blow because of this event. My family’s hatred for the Montagues has increased. I mourn for Tybalt’s unfortunate death, weeping for this mishap with grief. This particular event should not have happened since, tonight was going to be such an fascinating night however, because of Romeo’s banishment I am going to die as a widowed pure maiden. . my life been has intervened

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