Mom And Pop Shops Research Paper

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Mom and pop shops are the traditional back bone of the retail industry employing a significant amount of the populace. They are located conveniently near residential areas and have fewer operational costs.
There are fewer aspersions nonetheless that the shops have been facing survival threats from large conglomerate such as wall mart. Several researches that have been conducted agree that the introduction of large wall mart stores have had predominantly negative effect on mom and pop shops.
The entry of the large Wal-Mart stores brings about price competition that is highly skewed to favor large stores because the enjoy economy of scale. Traditional mom and shops cannot afford the price wars and thus are often forced to close down due unprofitability.
In addition, the large stores have a …show more content…

It is not all types of mom and pop shops that have been severely threatened by those entries. The significantly affected are usually groceries, bakeries, fresh produces such as milk and pastries.
The reason why these types of shops are severely threatened by Wal-Mart stores entry have to do with the sourcing policy of the supermarket. Wal-Mart prefers a one on one supplier agreement with farmers, and other manufacturer of ingredients in those departments while for reasons of financial capacity, mom and pop shops relies on middlemen to get supplies.
Traditional kiosk shops are nonetheless not entirely threatened by the large Wal-Mart stores, and research conducted by several independent sources has shown little effect on the traditional convenient kiosks.
There is however some aspersions to these findings. Some researchers have pointed out that in the last three years; there has been a surge in profits made by mom and pop shops. As more people congregate into residential areas, the need for personalized experience and convenient buying has skewed competition to the advantage of these small

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