Modernization Theory: Social, And Cultural Limitations Of Modernization Theory

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To explore issues of modernization theory, the essay will first attempt to highlight the meaning of the term modernization from different perspectives, which is then followed by a discussion of the context in which the theory developed. The main aim of this paper is discuss the limitations of modernization theory. Then it will focus on some basic objections embedded in the theory that offer critiques from many development studies scholars. This will be done by focusing on the key points which are social, and cultural significances. The last step of the essay will be the idea of the writer about modernization theory. Modernization theory is a description and explanation of the processes of transformation from traditional or underdeveloped societies …show more content…

By imposing new rules to societies that means they have to leave their tradition and adapt the new rules that has imposed by modernization theory, for example this theory suggested that, people may still have their traditions but they are not slaves to them and will challenge any that seem unnecessary or get in the way of continued cultural progress( that is they do not suffer from rationalism), and kinship has a very much less important role in all areas of society (even within the family) because of the for geographical and social mobility which weakens family ties, also one’s position in the economy, polity and so on., is earned through hard work and high achievement- motivation and not determine by the kinship. (Bauer 1976 …show more content…

Even today, a host of peoples, including the Islamic people of Iran and the deeply traditional Semai of Malaysia, have battled against technological advances that threaten their strong family relationships, customs and religious. There for it is useful for societies to stay natural, know each other. One may suggest that if world can go back to ancient and practice butter trade as it was done, and make societies move slowly, together and members of societies rely to what they for

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