Modern Day Witch Hunt Research Paper

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One of the earliest known witch hunts that occurred took place in B.C.E. The Hebrew scriptures addressed witchcraft, including Exodus 22:18 and various verses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.The first term for a witch hunt was searching out for persecution of persons accused of witchcraft. The modern day definition is a situation where accusations are made freely, especially against someone or something who was not popular with the majority. Both definitions of the term are very similar because the accusations are based on little to no evidence. Anyone could be accused no matter your position in power or your record of good deeds. The only thing that has changed is that people are not as gullible as they once were. Witch hunts still happen today …show more content…

Then began the name calling of everyone who they dislike or someone they envy. Names such as Rebecca Nurse who couldn't be more of a saint was being accused for having connections with the devil. The after effects of this madness led to every adult fearing these now all powerful children. An example of a modern day witch hunt would be racial profiling and police brutality against African American Men. In 1991 an African American, Rodney King was pulled over by police at a stop sign and was brutally beat because of his skin color. Blacks being discriminated has been going on since 1865. For some strange reason white/caucasian believe that they are far superior than black people, and that they can do no wrong. It has been embedded in the minds of people that if a black man walks into a store they are almost certain to steal, if he has on a hood he has a weapon, if a black man looks as if he is approaching your car lock your doors. People fail to comprehend that just because one black person does something wrong that doesn't mean all are the same. Police will do anything they can to find an excuse to either send a black man to jail or kill

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