Modern-Day Prohibition- The Criminalization of Marijuana

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In January of 1919, the 18th amendment, the prohibition of alcohol, was ratified due to progressive movements. It was soon repealed in 1933, when crime increased and issues spread throughout the country. The concept of “gangsters” was established and unsafe alcohol became apart of America’s diet. This problem is now evident in this country today. Marijuana, an all natural plant that is known to get someone “high,” or to alter the state of mind, has been illegal since 1937 when the Marijuana Tax Act was put into action. But, this has caused problems throughout the country, just like the prohibition of alcohol. Making marijuana illegal has affected the social and cultural aspects of America negatively, by increasing the crime rate, making our country somewhat unhealthier, and weakening the economy.
Gangsters and gangs were first organized during the prohibition of alcohol in 1919. Because of the high demands for alcohol, gangsters like the legendary Al Capone and the well know George Kelly Barnes, illegally smuggled the booze from other countries and/or made what most pe...

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