Mitzi Smith Analysis

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In this text Mitzi Smith, an African American woman, provides a womanist interpretation of the biblical ‘virgin-whore binary’. In hopes to recover the true essence of womanhood through God’s perspective the author explains that women, “should reject altogether the labeling and construction of women as virgins and whores (and their synonyms) [as] it tied to ideas of manhood.” Smith surveys the impact that this derogatory language has had on the creation and sustenance of the (black) female(‘s) identity; and suggests that women rebel against the clout of injustice that these terms have inflicted upon them. (3 sentence answer) An interesting point is the fact that she insinuates that instead of strictly following scriptures (that were written from malestream point of view), women should look to the God with themselves for guidance on how to govern themselves. I most agree with the author’s idea that, "Black women, for the sake of health and wholeness, must take charge of their own sexuality, including naming and defining themselves in ways that promote health self-esteem and self-love, as well as love of others and that represent God's graciousness, …show more content…

However, prior to reading this text, I found it most difficult to understand and materialize the concept of "reject[ing] the labeling and construction of women as virgins and whores..." In the past, I had always connected my sexuality and being a virgin to my identity. Though I try my best to reject the concept of a whore, as a Christian I have considered my virgin status as an example of my virtuosity and commitment to God. Though I realized the term whore is one of control, I did not realize that I was promoting patriarchal beliefs in being extremely proud of my virgin-ness. I appreciate Mitzi Smith's interpretation and perspective on the detaching and refraining of the employment of virgin/whore

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