Mistakes In High School

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Growth is like sports the more you practice the better you will get. In sports you make mistakes and learn from it just like in school, if you make a mistake you go back to your desk and see what you did wrong. Every time i make a mistake in football i turn around and do it again till i get it right. Through my junior year i have made plenty of mistakes but i have learned from every single one of them. The focus of this paper will be the growth i have had during my junior year in the three following eras: how my attitude has changed toward my grades and improving my work ethics, what I have learned in English III, and how the PARCC test has effective me and the whole school. This school year I have had my ups and downs. The first semester I really didn't care what my grades were, I just tried to make them passing so I could play football. Even then I still had F’s, but I didn’t care till it came to the end of the semester. I wanted to go out for wrestling. But then I started getting messages from colleges and letters saying that they've been looking at me and liked how I played. So then I told myself that I need to get my grades up and keep them up the rest of the year. By …show more content…

Shaggy’s class is probably the best English class I have had all my High School years. My Freshman and sophomore year I didn’t learn anything in my English classes. In Ms. Shaggy’s class i've learned so much like how to cite papers and how to use MLA format. She has taught me how to write an essay using MLA format. She taught us how to annotate papers and that helped me how to get my information for my essay. She basically taught us about shakespeare's entire life and we even read one of his most famous play Hamlet. Ms. Shaggy has put in so much effort to get us ready for the 12 grade English she also gave us some insight into what college English would be like. Ms. Shaggy is one of the best English teacher in this whole school and i'm so grateful to have her as a

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