Mission Valley Interview Report

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It has been quite a while since I’ve seen you. I believe I am in fairly good health. Even so, I recently obtained health coverage and would like to have a few things reviewed. I will make an appointment with you ensuring enough time has passed for you to receive lab results. Below you will find items I would like to request/discuss: 1. Please order the following labs, I will be using the Mission Valley location: a) A1C – most of my family is Type 2. b) CRP – most of my family has some type of heart disease. c) IgE – I suspect I have some sort of food allergy. After research, cursory diet restrictions, and a stock of family history, I am positing dairy is the culprit. For the past several years I have been battling intermittent rashes behind my knees and underarms, as well as incessant scalp itching. I ran the usual suspects; soap, lotion, etc. Nothing stood out. I have not consumed milk since my twenties, just because I do not care for it. The only dairy I consume is cheese and up until a few weeks it was limited. A few weeks ago I forgot cheese at Vons, the next stop was Costco so I purchased a package that could feed a trillion people. Basically, in an effort to avoid spoilage and wasting money, I ate it all over the next couple of weeks. The underarm rashes are out of control. I’ve applied cortisone, coconut oil and gold bond …show more content…

I have attached a list of supplements. Primary use is anti-inflammatory along with general vitamins and nootropics. I no longer have RA, I believe this recovery is due to the anti-inflammatory supplement cocktail that I have dialed in over the past several years and continue to tweak. I acknowledge the rashes may be a side effect of a supplement or any combination thereof. I am a diligent researcher and do not choose a supplement willy-nilly, carefully evaluating and understanding interactions as well as scholarly research. Even so, I welcome your expertise. Although, I have not taken any supplements for the last two

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