Miss Representation Analysis

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For my Reflection, I decided to watch Miss Representation, a documentary featuring the injustices and obstacles that women face in today’s society, while also using the platform to empower women and create change. The media is the biggest influencer we have today; it covers magazines, newspapers, television, the internet, etc., but it is not being used to its fullest potential, nor is it being used to enhance our lives. In the media, we see the over-sexualization, demoralization, and objectification of women of all ages, races, and cultures and discredit their accomplishments. The media teaches girls that everything they are and their value is based on how they look, and boys learn to judge girls in this way that looks are the only thing that is important. It has a huge impact on the …show more content…

But boys and men are not the only problems. Many women also do not support other women, and instead will tear others down and choose to support patriarchal ideals. Women in the media are not displayed as human beings, they are displayed as perfect, unachievable “cartoons” and are the basis of judgement, as explained by Paul Haggis, a producer, director, and screenwriter. Women are constantly dehumanized and demoralized by the media, but whenever a woman is represented as a “real person,” the impact on women and girls is astounding. People need to see themselves represented, and that just doesn’t happen in the media as it should. Women are rarely the protagonist of movies or TV shows, and when they are, they’re usually looking for love and to get married; women shown in positions of power or leadership are scarce, and inevitably canceled, and women with real accomplishments are never reported

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