Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

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In Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, the main characters are Jacob Portman, Abraham Portman, Franklin Portman, Doctor Golan, Emma Bloom, and Miss Peregrine. The theme of the book is trust can help you solve conflicts. Every character has to trust one another to help and keep each other alive. Without trust, the characters would not be able to solve the conflicts and could be dead. The major events in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children are when Jacob’s grandfather died from a monster called a hollowgast, and his last words were a riddle, and then Jacob traveled to the island the riddle talks about. When he cracked the riddle and goes into a loop where he meets the peculiars his grandfather showed him pictures about. When he discovered that the hollowgast that killed his grandfather preyed on peculiars and ymbrynes and that he led them to the loop. When one came to the loop and broke it, and Jacob had to protect the peculiars and kill the hollowgast. Lastly, when the peculiars, Miss Peregrine, and Jacob had to get on a boat and find another loop to warn other ymbrynes and peculiars in other loops. These main events combined with small details produce the book Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. …show more content…

In this scene, his grandfather tells Jacob a riddle. After he tells the riddle, he sees a monster behind a bush with white eyes and a tentacle mouth. His friend who was with him at the time did not see the monster and said Jacob was crazy. Awhile after, Jacob does research and finds out it is called a

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