Misconceptions Of Aggression: Violence And Crime

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Aggression: Violence and crime has gone down in the past years. Misconceptions about crime and murders: the majority of cases is by someone are done. Homecide rates (the majority) done by partners. There is a common factor with aggression with kids: parental abuse, neglect or any other hardship in the childhood. Mitigating factors: lessen the severe act. However, we see this consistency in parental abuse, and learning how to be abusive (Bandura’s learning). Aggression is learned, specially through witness. Seeing your parents being aggressive, it is very possible that you will end up being aggressive with your loved one. “This is how you are supposed to treat a women” Berquowitz: studied parental abusive: you learn cues in the behavior …show more content…

“The more video games you play the more aggressive you become” being exposed to internet and other shoes that have violent crimes on them as a kid, you are more likely to be aggressive too. Additionally, kids that are more aggressive, they will play more aggressive games. This makes it difficult to differentiate between the first correlation. However, observing aggression increased the possibility of violent aggression.
The copy cat violence: people exposed about every single detail about the crime, are more likely to get engaged into the event. They will include every singe detail leaned. If media didn 't show violent acts then, that type of violence will most likely to don 't …show more content…

Study that shows putting dead bodies doesn 't make a difference in the review of the movie. People are still likely to see it. Biological aspect of aggression: similar studies have exposed people to scene of violent from a movie (artificial violence) and then they put violence acts in real life through the media. The people that weren 't exposed to aggression then they arousal is more. The people that were exposed: less physiological arousal. The more you see about violence: the less sensitized aggression would become. Not that you care less, but you emphasize less. This is an example of habituation.

A lot of psychopaths exams ask for empathy in this tests and since they have been habituated already: A lot of the anti-social personality disorders. There is a misconception between violent acts and psychopaths. Not all criminals are psychopaths.
Not all anti-social disorders lead to criminal acts.

Lack of empathy is the lack of interest/less activation in their brains for a violent act.
What is empathy? Desensitized affects

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