Minny Jackson In The Help

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The Help is a novel written by Kathryn Stockett and is tells the story about black maids who work for white homeowners during the early 1960s. Within the novel gives a first person view of their lives by conveying to the reader the struggles that the maids in the novel had to experience. The novel continues with a white woman named Skeeter who wants to write a novel based upon the experience that the maids have to go through. While at first, many maids were reluctant to speak with Skeeter, two maids shared their experiences with Skeeter. One of these maids is named Minny Jackson, who provides many stories that she went through with her employers and the many struggles that she has to face.
Minny Jackson was an African American maid who worked …show more content…

Hilly house. Whenever Aibileen offers Minny sanctuary to leave her husband Leeroy, even for a little while, Minny refuses not even willing to consider leaving Leeroy for fear of what might happen. Because of a hard life, Minny always expects the worst. When wondering what would happen when The Help would be released, she is the only one of the book-writing trio that openly admits to expecting the rest of Jackson to attack them. She refuses to let her daughter get her driver’s license, because she expects her daughter to get pregnant if she had a car, as she did. She is protective of her family and friends and would go to the end of the world to make sure they are safe. This is probably the reason why she neglected to speak with Skeeter at the beginning. She probably figured it could be a trap to get them in trouble with their bosses. Minny was also persistent, once she got involved into something she really showed dedication and passion towards it. Minny has a strong dislike for alcohol in her life. While she personally does not drink, the people around her do and negatively affect her life. It first started with her father and since then she grew distrustful of drinkers. In fact, when she thinks that Celia is an alcoholic despite no concrete evidence, Minny grows distant from her and confrontational to the degree of quitting, “I nursed a worthless pint drinker for twelve years and when my lazy, life-sucking daddy finally died, I swore to God with tears in my eyes I’d never marry one. And then I did. And now here I am nursing another goddamn drinker” (Stockett 261). Loyalty was one of her main characteristics, before being fired by Mrs. Hilly, she really putted a lot of dedication at the job and then after she left and found a job with Mrs. Celia Foote she showed

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