Minister's Black Veil

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In the Minister's Black Veil, there are many secrets both literal and metaphorical. These secretive aspects are not only centered on the minister himself but on all the townspeople. To reflect the hidden sins within himself, he has chosen to wear the black veil for the rest of his life, but he reminds those that all God's creations have the same hidden sins, and therefore, instead of them wearing a black veil like Mr. Hooper does, they hide their sins behind a false front, almost like wearing a mask. The importance of individual freedom in the sense that each person has the right to choose for himself is a characteristic of American Romanticism. According to this example, “When Mr. Hooper came, the first thing that their eyes rested on was …show more content…

When talking to his fiance Elizabeth, Mr. Hooper suggests that all mortals could cover their faces just as he has because all have some secret sin or sorrow. “Because the meaning of the veil consists only in what is hidden, meaning is lost in the very act of revelatio. It is in this that the veil serves as “type” and “symbol” of types and symbols in their general nature. As language gives a meaning to experience but also comes between the subject and any direct perception or recreation of that experience, so does the veil.” (Carnochan 186). At the end of the story, as he lies dying, Mr. Hooper says that he sees a veil on all the faces of those who are attending his deathbed. Furthermore, It is suggested that everyone wears a black veil, everyone has a secret sin or sorrow that is hidden from all others. Just like Mr. Hooper, covers his face with a black veil. Mr. Hooper has chosen to make his black veil visible while others have kept their secrets in their own hearts. “The important truth of the veil is not the universality of concealed sin, for that revelation is too long postponed to be of consequence to most of its observers.” (Freedman 357). Although the black veil is clearly a symbolic symbol , there is a strong proposal in the story that it also hides a secret sin or crime committed by Mr. …show more content…

As explained by the story, the veil that so distinguishes him from his fellow villagers strikes fear in the hearts of all and causes them to be terrified by his approach and to withdraw their friendship and companionship from him. Mr. Hooper experiences the lost connection with others. Thus, because he chooses to make his secret visible, Mr. Hooper becomes a lonely man. The black veil “separated him from a cheerful life and woman’s love.” Hence, one of the major themes of “The Minister’s Black Veil” is that those who acknowledge the secrets of their hearts and those who choose to stand apart from their fellows will often find that they are excluded and may as well live their lives of alone, prisoners in their own hearts. The veil is a symbol of the masks of the fraud and sin that separate all individuals from truly facing themselves, their loved ones, and the spirits. All individuals wear a mask, and Mr. Hooper's veil has been only a symbolic reminder of a truth that most are unwilling to admit. Mr. Hooper pays a high price for this lesson: he is feared, misunderstood, and left to live a lonely, solitary

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