Minimum Wage Should Be Raised

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Minimum Wage is the base hourly amount that employers are permitted to pay their workers. The current Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. There are several exemptions to both federal and state minimum wage laws, including employees who receive tips, students and minors, and several others. Many people think that this is too low of a price. Minimum wage effects the lives of people very much. It should have a reason on why it is being raised. That reason should be based on the cost of living rate. The cost of living is raised almost every year. Because it raised so often the people working at minimum wage jobs are getting left behind. They are not able to support their families, better yet support themselves.
There are many advantages to …show more content…

A living wage is a wage that is high enough to maintain a normal standard of living. The movement to initiate a living wage for all workers looks at the cost of living. The calculations for the living wage use a different criteria for determining the income needed to sustain a reasonably comfortable standard of living, than minimum wage. Living wages raise the minimum hourly wage to a level adequate for workers to meet the basic needs of their families. Local governments would use the living wage standard to ensure that public dollars create well paid jobs. Economists would calculate the recommended living wages based on the cost of living in a given area, household size and other factors, such as poverty rate. This could potentially help the poverty rate to go down, because if the living wage is set to a point where it is at a reasonable level with the cost of living, people and families would not have to worry about not having enough for the basic necessities of life. Having a living wage would cause less people to have to lean on the government so much. This would help them become a better independent person. Living wage should not be set to put people in a luxurious position. It should be set so that people can get …show more content…

If the employer has a tight pay budget and the minimum wage is raised, they will no longer be able to pay the same number of employees at a higher rate, which means they will have to fire some people to stay in their budget. These companies will also not be able to hire anymore employees. Or rather than hiring fewer employees, the company may start hiring people in other countries that are willing to work for a much lower price, resulting in fewer jobs for Americans and a higher unemployment rate. The employers might have to raise the prices of their products in order to induce enough income to pay their employees the new wage. This would ultimately make a domino effect for other companies and industries, resulting in a slightly higher cost of living, and another push to raise minimum wage again. If the minimum wage increases, overly qualified people will be competing for minimum wage positions. This would cause younger, inexperienced workers to stop applying for jobs, and is basically robbing them of their opportunity to gain experience and knowledge to build resumes for themselves and join the workforce. Raul Labrador said, “My mom worked at McDonalds, and she decided she wanted to make more money, so she got into the management program at McDonalds. And that’s how you move up the chain. It’s not by demanding that minimum wage is raised; it’s actually acquiring the skills. That’s the way that people get ahead in life.”

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