Mindset Essay

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Mindset is the programming of the human mind to act in a certain way despite or certain conditions. A man’s belief determines his mindset. In other words it determines how he will behave in certain conditions. The ancient Greeks refers to the mindset as an essential human driving force which determines the positioning and the choice.

Then again, i define "mindset" as the entire system of thinking – believing – and decisions that drives the sum of action and inaction in one’s life.

Right mindset positions you at the right place and at the right time. Someone with the right mindset is focused, full of right ideas that will produce good results and opportunities.

I have always told people who want to go far in life that all they need or require is a positive mindset. You …show more content…

Think of Your Mindset as a Voice

How does a mindset manifest itself? It controls the ways you talk to yourself in the privacy of your own head. Recognizing this fact is the first step to achieving a growth mindset which is the right mindset.

Your mind is an inner reflection of what you are outside. It’s what defines you – your personality and everything that about you.

Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you frequently tell yourself anything similar. If so, you've spotted the fixed mindset at work, undermining your potential for success.

The fixed mind-set says, "Are you sure you can do it? Maybe you don't have the ability/talent."

The growth mind-set answers, "I'm not sure I can do it now, but I think I can learn to with time and effort."

Fixed mindset: "What if you fail--you'll be a failure."

Growth mindset: "Most successful people had failures along the way."

2. Embrace the "Growth Mindset" - Dweck said mindset is a decision/choice. Which implies at any time — even at this time, you can decide to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Adopting the right mindset is necessary to succeeding in anything that you do; whether it’s games, work, relationships or

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