Milkman Delivering Milk After Bombing Analysis

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War Photography Amid the brutal combat that the British army and the rest of the allied powers were fighting in, the German force moved closer to the south of England and in 1940-41 the British faced ruthless bombings night after night. By the end of the bombardment the death toll stretched to 32, 000 with 87, 000 being seriously wounded. Throughout this period many photographers capture the devastation the ravished the English countryside. In this piece entitled “Milkman Delivering Milk After Bombing” we can see the Devastation created by the Germans during the London Blitz. We also see the persistent milkman striding across the debris and rubble. This photo symbolizes the British situation at the time; the rubble showing the loss, pain, hardship that the British people have traversed through and then to see the proud English milkman (representing the British population) continuing to work and retaliate to the Nazi menace. This Photograph depicts plethora of Londoners taking refuge in a London underground station during an air raid. The photo is called “Londoners asleep on the platform and tracks of Aldwych station.” Through the dozens of people asleep on the tracks and …show more content…

The photo was taken on the 29th of December 1940 by Herbert Mason, a photographer working for the Daily Mail at the time. The Blitz at this time was at its height in destruction and thousands of bombs were hitting major landmarks and destroying them, apart from St. Pauls. The image depicts St Paul’s cathedral during a bombing. The Cathedral itself is engulfed in what appears to be smoke and ash, the varying shades of grey show this and the sudden flare of white to the right of the cathedral to show possibly a bomb or a burst of flames, but we can’t be certain. The photo has three signifiers; the cathedral, the fog/smoke/ash and the decaying building in the bottom left

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