Militirism paper

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When America declares war on another country, the conflict is depicted as a movie or a big game. Americans who are pro war love the idea of wars being seen as this. Sports, music and the people who have strong pride in their country seek major benefits from militarization of war. The people of the country we are engaging in conflict with are normally the ones who suffer from militarism. The military families who soldiers paid the ultimate price and the spouses who are left alone with their kids also suffer. Justification is hard to do when individuals are dying our country is losing money, for a war that isn’t solving anything. Sports gain great benefits from militarization. The marines released a recruitment video that displayed an obstacle course with a marine in a gauntlet. The marine was wearing a football helmet and they were doing an activity similar to a football drill. When I saw this is appealed to me that the marines participated in football like drills. If a former football or a current football player seen that commercial they would probably gain interest in the marines. World War 2 General and U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower said “the true mission of American sports is to prepare young people for war,” (Martin, Steuter 132). Sports gives easy access for young people to compete against one another. Being on a team you get close with your team mates. In the military your soldiers are the only ones who are there for you in battle, just like a team when competing against another team. Every time a game is played in America, the Star Spangle Bannered is sung. This gives us a sense that pride in our country is mandatory. Football is the sport that is most similar to the military. Spring and summer work outs boot camp, ... ... middle of paper ... ...a feeling of that’s what the soldiers signed up for and they made the decision to sacrifice their selves for their country. We can and can’t justify militarism, it’s primarily based upon opinion. Many aspects of American culture benefit from militarization of war. Our sports benefit from the militarization of U.S. culture, music and patriotism. Militarization can be a good thing and a bad thing that is in our culture. We also suffer from war efforts and militarism. We’re not the only ones that suffer from militaristic events. Militarism effects our daily lives with promotions and recruitments ads we are touched from the military every day. Death takes suffering to another level. Seeing how war effects people from our country and other countries, justifying militarism is tough. Justification is based off of opinion. Militarization of the U.S. is a wide range topic.

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