Military Helicopter History

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The Vietnam War saw a new age a warfare, it introduced a whole new idea of the use of helicopter warfare. The helicopter was depended on as deadly weapon platforms and more so depended on as having vital roles in support in transportation, medical evacuation, search and rescue operations, and logistical operations In various ways, the evolution of the military helicopter reflects the vast changes of American society while still reflecting Americans' faith in efficiency and technology. It was during the Vietnam War that the world's first attack helicopter, the Bell AH-1 Huey Cobra, made its first appearance in combat where it used Thumper grenade launchers, TOW missiles, and mini-guns to destroy North Vietnamese troops and armor. The Mil Mi-24 …show more content…

It was the first helicopter introduced, with although it being intended to be used for medical evacuations and a utility helicopter, it then transformed into being a helicopter that was served both as an armed escort and/or as an attack gunship. Then came the mass production of the Bell AH-1 Huey Cobra. The Huey, the first turbine-powered helicopter, came to serve as an escort for transportation helicopters and unarmed helicopters. The longer the war carried on, the more Huey's were being brought to Vietnam. At the end of the war it had the most combat flight hours of any war, and with that being said, it also sadly was the most helicopter with pilot and crew members K.I.A. and also had the most destruction's within helicopters with 3,305 of the 7,000 Huey's produced being destroyed. One of the most important helicopters after the Iroquois and the Huey was the Boeing CH-47 Chinook. The Chinook was a tandem rotor (double rotor), heavy lifting helicopter. It could fit up to 3 crew members and had a maximum capacity of 33-35 troops. It was used heavily for troop movement, artillery movement and placement and for battlefield resupplying. It was used for tactical and combat support missions. The main reason for its used though was because of the fact it could carry so many troops, they had to find the perfect place, so the Chinook was known for its ability to find strange places to land, such as the edge of large hills and mountains. The last of the helicopters were manufactured by Sikorsky. Sikorsky have all types of helicopters that were needed in order to win a war, they had pave low/gunships, medivacs, and transportation choppers for both troops and artillery. Then the day finally came when the helicopters were put to a test. The Northern Vietnamese had been closing in on the Southern Vietnamese capital and an evacuation was needed. The biggest helicopter evacuation in

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