Military Drones Research Paper

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Colonel D. Scott Brenton is one of many pilots, who remotely controls flying vehicles, also known as drones, in the United States military. Elisabeth Bumiller, an author from The New York Times, interviewed Brenton regarding his intensive work as a drone pilot (Buumiller). Perched on a sunken leathery chair, his downcast eyes raise promptly when he receives a demand from an approaching overseer. Expressionless but chilled to the bone, Colonel Brenton directs his attention to the illuminating computer screen in front of him. The Afghan he has attentively inspected through the computer screen weeks previously is finally alone in his contented location in Afghanistan-unaccompanied by the familiar appearances of his wife and children. While clutching …show more content…

Ever since, the U.S. military has advanced significantly in remote targeted killings, and the drone has become notably popular. These aircrafts are used primarily to spy and eventually kill an individual without having to put army boots down on surrounding ground. Drones are especially important for military missions that are deemed too dangerous for military soldiers to physically be there (Tice). The use of a drone can “get the job done” without having to be concerned with the common death and trauma of American soldiers, that ground combaters encounter daily. Drones are unmanned machines that fly with the help of lithium-polymer batteries, and give information to the drone pilot through attached sensors (Tice). These sensors have the ability to measure the distance and speed of the target, which allows the drone pilot to make an accurate hit on the victim (Tice). Missiles, that are secured onto the drone, are prompted to launch when the drone pilot deems the time is appropriate. Although this newly invented technology greatly assists the United States military in fighting war and potentially preventing danger, I believe that unmanned drones are causing more harm for our future warfare. The use of remotely-controlled aircrafts, in warfare, profoundly desensitizes the drone pilots, to the terrors of war because it makes killing too easy and ultimately

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