Mike Barwis Informative Speech

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Topic- Introduce Mike Barwis as a featured speaker. General purpose- To inform the audience on background of why Mike Barwis is going to speak and make Mike Barwis feel welcome at the event. Specific purpose- At the end of the speech the audience will get a better understanding of everything Mike Barwis has accomplished, making him a highly capable person to be talking to them about training and the business world. Intro: Attention grabber- “When you rise tomorrow, rise with passion and purpose. It is our passion and purpose that defines our character and justifies our existence.” –Mike Barwis This is coming from a man whom has worked with everyday people wanting to look better, to athlete’s aspiring to be better, colligate athletes, Olympic athletes and …show more content…

Transition- Now I am going to talk about Mike Barwis as a trainer. Body: Main point number 1- Barwis is one of the most well recognized athletic trainers in the athletic world for being the most influential strength coaches of all time. Supporting material- He has worked with over 40 sports including football, basketball, soccer, wrestling, baseball, cross country, rifle, swimming and diving, tennis, track, gymnastics, professional motocross, golf, fitness competitions, boxing, softball, body building, crew, cycling, field hockey, volleyball, ice hockey and even more. Barwis has worked with kids and parents down the street to Olympic athletes across the world. Supporting material- Barwis has worked with people who were told they could never walk again. He has worked with them and made the impossible, possible. From sports related injuries, to combat related injuries, spinal cord, strokes, or MS his incredible team and him have had success helping these people have a better life. Transition- Now I am going to tell you about Mike Barwis as a

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