Midsummer Night's Dream Love

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What is true love? What is fake love? How can the difference be noticed? William Shakespeare, in Midsummer Night's Dream demonstrates how fake love crumbles and how true love perseveres. New relationships can be easily broken if they are fake. The relationship will crumble and it will leave both sides heartbroken. This can be seen through the relationship of Hermia and Lysander. Hermia demonstrates that love is risky when she falls in love with Lysander, love is unfair when Hermia has no say over who she will marry, and in the end, love is rewarding when Lysander and Hermia get married.

When getting involved in love, always stay prepared for many risks. A possible risk of love is that in some cases, women are forced to abstain from getting married. It is easy to get tangled up in a situation regarding love, but getting out of it is complicated. "Either to die the death, or to abjure forever the society of men." (1, i, 65-66). This quote warns Hermia that if she continues loving Lysander, she will either be put to death or will be given the option to stay single. Similarly to this, the punishment can even be death. Different denominations believe that the daughters must marry who their father thinks is perfect. If she disagrees with her father, her punishment could even be death. “ Upon that day either prepare to die for disobedience to your father’s will.”2 (1, i, 86-87). Theseus is warning Hermia that if she does not marry Demetrius, she could die. Noticing that death is a …show more content…

Throughout the relationship, it is proven that love is risky, love is unfair, but in the end, love will be rewarded. True love resembles water flowing down a river, avoiding all obstacles in order to reach its final destination safely. Hermia and Lysander demonstrate true love by not being afraid of the risks that were on their way and in the end, they reached their

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