Middle School Interview Report

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Imagine me six inches shorter, a little smaller, with my hair in a side pony, because that was the middle school fashion accompanied with that distinct middle school personality. In middle school, I wasn’t necessarily considered one of the popular students, but my peers didn’t categorize me as “uncool,” “lame,” or “not so great.” In short I was not popular nor unpopular. An average middle school student is what most would see me as. Attending school every day, maintaining good grades, participating in sports, having a great group of friends, and most importantly, enjoying life. In spite of this there was only one minor detail that I lacked but dreamed of having. My dream consisted of being a student council representative. Year after year, …show more content…

Those individuals who are selected based on the interview process are required to give a speech to the delegates from their area the same evening. Therefore, I knew I needed a speech prepared. I will easily admit that I was scared of the process before me. At that point in my life, I had only undergone one other interview which was significantly less complex. With the help of my agriculture teacher, I began to write a speech. The idea of basing it on my passion and dedication to meats judging came from the help of him. After I finished writing the speech, I was feeling confident. I wrote the greatest speech. However, reality hit me when I remembered I was required to make it through the interview process before I could give my astounding speech. Being on the council in his teenage years, my agriculture teacher, also, helped me prepare for the interview. Numerous possible interview questions were asked by him, some of which I had no idea how to …show more content…

The candidates were taken on stage where they would announce who would be giving speeches that evening. This was one of the more nerve-racking moments of them all. My heart was beating fast until they finally called my name. I would be continuing on to the next round. I would be able to present the speech that I could not wait to give. That evening, after the leadership activity, the delegates reported to their designated area room and the candidates met outside the rooms. Being the second to the last candidate to present, the waiting process began again. Of course we were all nervous and the nervousness progressed as presentation time grew nearer. Eventually my moment arrived. I confidently walked into the room to find that my friends were sitting in the front row and the room coordinator was the current state council president. She also held the title of the first place meats judging competitor in the state 4-H contest the past year. As I mentioned earlier, my speech was about my passion for meats judging and here I was delivering it in front of the state champion. Other than the fact that my legs were shaking the whole time, my speech went extremely

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