Microsoft: Bill Gates as an Ethical Leader

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Bill Gates is one of the co-founders of Microsoft Corporations and he is known to be a great leader. His greatest saying is “A leader is only successful if the people they are leading are successful”, and that is how he ran Microsoft. Many thought of him to be rude, challenging, and rigorous, but they understood and respected his leadership skills. Stephen R. Covey author of a popular book titled “The 7 habits of Highly Efficient People”, explains sevens things that people must do in order to be a great leader. All over the United States Bill Gates is known to be successful and have great ethical leadership skills. According to Covey 7 habihts theory, does Bill Gates have or practice the 7 habits of High Efficient People?
The First Three Habits is about moving from dependence to independence:
Be Proactive
Covey explains that you are the reason your life is the way it is. He goes on to explain that everything that is happening in your life is because you made the choice for it to happen. Things do not just happen; they are given a decision to happen. He tells his readers to take initiative of their life and also take the responsibility. Covey says that in order for you to be proactive you must fix your Circle on Influence. In your circle you must only have proactive people and not reactive. The difference in people will determine your decision on situations. Proactive people will speak proactive language and they work on things that they can change. Reactive people have a Circle of Concern they tend to worry about things they cannot change or is out of their control to change. Bill Gates believed that in order for someone to have good leadership skills that, a person has to take accountability for his own actions and influence on...

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... social/emotional, and spiritual. This will keep your mind refresh so you can sharpen the other six habits. Gates believed that taking two “retreats” every year is necessary to recharge ones’ own batteries, and to refresh the focus and perspective of things.

Theses seven habits of highly efficient people describe Bill Gates leadership style and how he incorporates them into his leadership styles. Although Gates stepped down from CEO of Microsoft, the new CEO Satya Nedella was lead by Bill Gates and has understood that Gates leadership skills has made him into what he is today. Bill Gates is an ethical leader because he expects the best from every one of his employees and he challenges them to their full capacity. Since he believes that a leader is only as good as the people he is leading he made millionaires out of the majority of the top management of Microsoft.

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