Passive Attitudes and Global Issues: A Study

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Individuals wait for someone else to create a solution to the problem that is affecting them indirectly or even directly. Assumptions made by them create a pattern where everyone is waiting for someone to take the risk and create a solution that would benefit them within their efforts. These ideas of leaving issues to someone else solutions could be identify in minor issues but it is really affecting society and are showing its effects. One example is politics, economic issues, international affairs are some, similar to the train controversy that Buckley suggest or the global warming concern that Pollan refers. Michael Pollan, on his essay “Why Bother” published in the New York Times in 2008 recounts his concern on the lately increased of global warming. He begins contrasting Gore’s writing about changing a light bulb as a perfect way to make a change in the environment. This upset him, because he thinks that such things are not enough that …show more content…

Buckley Jr who start by describing a sweltering situation on his way home. Where he notices that something has happen American people. He keeps describing situations in which he has notice that people tend to conform with a situation that is going wrong instead of complaining. He uses evidence in which he analyse every situation but all of them move towards the same patterns. The disinterest of people to create a solution to a problem that directly affects them. Evidently the only interest shown is waiting for someone to complain, and maybe then they give their voice as well. He wrote about specific situation in which he has prefer by polity instead of complain. He is talking to everyone, when he mentioned every situation he has been are common and it can relate to everyone daily life. Which means people faced those problems daily, it could be considered and insignificance but is having huge effects on people's development on politics, economy, socially,

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