Michael John Bever's Five Stages Of Murder Crimes

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There are families of loved ones who were brutally murdered by a Juvenile and just want pure justice. When Juveniles are charged for a first degree murder crime, sentencing them to life without parole is a must. As a matter of fact, juveniles are just as developed as adults. Research from CanaryClub.org shows that out of the five stages of brain development, 7 to 22 years of age is where juveniles know right from wrong and their maturity level is determined. If 18 to 22 year olds get sentenced for life without parole, why can’t minors? Aren’t they in the same mindstage? In Tulsa, Okla two brothers, Robert Davis Bever, 18, and Michael John Bever, 16, killed their parents and three siblings. In addition, they were also charged with one count

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