Michael Brown Research Paper

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Rumain Brisbon,Tamir Rice, Kajieme Powell, Michael Brown, John Crawford III, Eric Garner, San Bland, Andy Lopez, Deion Fludd, Kimani Gray, Rekia Boyd, Aiyana Jones ( seven years old) were a child to a mother, a brother or sister, a father, a uncle. Someone knew these people. They were their biggest pride and joy. Can you imagine how it feels to no longer have your pride and joy within a split second, due to the way they look? The excruciating pain of having to live with the death of a child is a mother's worst nightmare. In the city of Ferguson, Michael Brown was an unarmed black teen shot by police; this was the beginning of an uprisings against police brutality nationwide. People rebel when there is no justice, it is understandable. They …show more content…

Allen Bullock; is an example, of some who took the responsibility to turn himself in and yet it is not equivalent to others who has done equally or worse damage to the community. According to The Guardian Allen Bullock a teen turned himself over to the police for smashing a cop car window. The 18-year-old is currently being held on $500,000 bail for one count of riot, two counts of malicious destruction of property over $1,000, two counts of rogue and vagabond, one count of disorderly conduct, and one count of theft less than $100. Yet some police are being charged for 2nd degree murder of death Gray bail set at 250,000 - 350,000. Is destroying property cost more than one life? How is this justice, when a young black male is killed by a white cop. The cop is being charged more than someone who had destroyed property because this person felt no attention of the unequal justice is being serviced. Michael Brown's family and friends feel it is important to stand up to police brutality so no other young adults get attacked by the police. Unfortunately the cop had taken Michael brown’s death, it came across nation wide to let others the police system is not correct and race places a major part of

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