Mexican Telenovelas

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From a young age I remember watching telenovelas with my mom and grandma, it was like a tradition we had every night from Monday to Friday at 7pm we sat by the TV and looked forward to watching the latest telenovela. This is a tradition that many Latin American people still follow today. Telenovelas are a way for Hispanics who live in the United States to watch a piece of their country, traditions, language, and culture every night. Telenovelas are addictive, they engage us, sometimes make us dream and sometimes we relate to them. In life we all fall, we suffer, and we have family issues. We can relate to telenovelas because at some point in life we go through some of the issues and situations reflected in telenovelas. Telenovelas didn’t start off on TV, the history of telenovelas began in Cuba during the 1950’s as radio …show more content…

Telenovelas are made all over the world but Latin America has the largest audience in the world. Some of the countries that produce the most telenovelas are Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina. Mexican telenovelas are usually about the struggles a romantic couple has to endure because a villain usually want does everything possible to keep them apart. These novellas usually end up with a wedding. Brazilian telenovalas are usually more realistic and bring out issues that are happening in the country. Colombian telenovelas often focus on comedic storylines. Venezuela is one of the largest telenovela producers in the world. In the beginning Venezuelan telenovelas started with the usual Cinderella story of a poor girl who falls in love with prince charming and encounters many obstacles to be together but at the end they have a big wedding and live happily ever after. But today’s telenovelas have a much more realistic tone to them and reflect the lives of people in Venezuela. In Argentina telenovelas focus on drama and the lives of traditional middle class life with some

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