Meursault In The Stranger, By Albert Camus

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The stranger by Albert Camus, published in 1942 is written from the eyes of the main character Meursault whose mother has passed and is ignorant of the reasoning, time, and place. Although Meursault viewed his mother's passing as an in inconvenience of his life and job as a shipping clerk, he reluctantly asks for two days off to view his mother and attend the funeral at the old persons home outside of Algiers, North Africa. After sleeping on the train, he gets off and greets the director of the home who assures Meursault she was in great hands and he shouldn't feel as though he neglected his mother by leaving her at the home for his financial benefit. After neglecting the offer of seeing his mother which was peculiar to the caretaker and director, the care taker sits with Meursault and annoyingly chats over coffee and cigars. Meursault spends the night from sleeping to witnessing his mother's friends mourn out loud then waking up and once again declining his last opportunity to see his mother in the casket. He Meets Thomas Perez who was rumored to be his mother's fiancé before enduring the slow, heat oppressing walk to the village where his mother was going to be buried. After Meursault returns, he …show more content…

After, he is investigated and questioned by a magistrate who asks him the same kind of questions assuming Meursault was a sociopath who didn't have emotion towards anything causing him to create a murder. Meursault is in prison and describes his time as something you can get accustomed to. He gradually finds comfort in something's during his time in prison. Marie visits him in a noisy room which is filled with other prisoners and visitors frantically trying to communicate with their loved ones creating a noisy room which becomes unbearable at one point for

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