Methods of Abortion

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Methods of Abortion Abortion is the name given to the process in which a fetus is purposely killed due to personal or life threatening reasons. There are 7 different methods of abortion available around the world. There is the RU-468, which is a drug, which can be used after the mother misses her first period. It works by cutting of the baby's supply of progesterone. Without this hormone the baby cannot get its supply of food and oxygen. A second drug is given afterwards which makes the uterus of the mother contract, causing the baby to be expelled. There is also the Suction-Aspiration method, which works by paralyzing and stretching the cervical muscle ring. Once that is done a hollow tube with a knife-like edge is inserted into the uterus and suction is applied so the babies body is teared into pieces and the placenta is cut from the uterus wall. Everything that has been sucked out from the uterus is sucked into a bottle. Dilation and Curettage is similar to the suction procedure except a curette is used (a loop shaped steel knife) and is inserted into the uterus. The baby and placenta are cut into pieces and scraped into a basin. There is usually heavy bleeding after this method. Dilation and Evacuation is done after the third month of pregnancy. Usually Laminaria sticks are inserted into the cervix, as the cervix must be dilated before the abortion. They are made of sterilized seaweed, which is compressed into thin sticks. When they are inserted they expand and enlarge the cervix. An instrument, which looks like a pair of pliers, is then inserted into the uterus. Parts of the body are torn off with a twisting motion by the pliers until there is only the head left. The skull of the head is then crushed and pulled from the uterus. The nurses must check that all the body parts have been removed and none have been left in the uterus. Prostaglandin Abortion involves the hormone prostaglandin, which induces labor. The trauma of the birth usually kills the baby,

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