Methodology In Research

2017 Words5 Pages

3.0 Introduction
Methodology is a body of knowledge that enables researchers to explain and analyze methods – indicating their limitations and resources, identifying their presuppositions and consequences, and relating their potentialities to research advances (Miller 1983). Moreover, it underpins the types of questions that can be addressed and the nature of the evidence that is generated (Clark et al. 1984). Figure 1.0.1 below illustrates different layers and approaches that are available and must be consistently employed when conducting a research. In accordance with the research onion, prior data collection and analysis techniques can be determined, considerations on several issues must be completed.

Figure 3.0.1 The Research Onion - Saunders et al (2007)

3.1 Research Design
The following subsections explain philosophical positions, research approaches, strategies, and time horizon of this study.

3.2 Research Philosophies
The first layer of the ‘onion’ is the Research Philosophies. A research philosophy is a belief about the way data about a phenomenon should be collected and analyzed (Levin 1988). There are four different philosophies namely; Positivism, Realism, Interpretivism and Pragmatism.
 Positivism is working with an observable reality. Research can produce laws. Results can be generalised, similar to those produced by natural scientists.
 Realism is working with an observable reality. Research can produce laws. Results can be generalised, similar to those produced by natural scientists.
 Interpretivism is an epistemology that advocates that it is necessary for the researcher to understand differences between humans in our role as social actors. This emphasizes the difference between conducting resea...

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...h will be conducted as well as the findings written and displayed in a moral and responsible fashion. Interviews, questionnaires and company records will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. Information gathered will only be utilized to the benefit of the company and not derogatively. This will be in keeping with the thoughts of Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009) who stated that Research Ethics relates to questions about how we formulate and clarify our research topic, design our research and gain access, collect data, process and store data, analyze data and write up our research findings in a moral and responsible way.

3.10 Summary
In keeping with Moser and Kalton’s thoughts on the role of researchers, the Author will diligently make recommendations, suggestions and offer a new marketing strategy to achieve the listed objectives.

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