Metaphors Influencing Charlotte's Life

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Metaphors are used throughout the story to teach literature and the way of creative writing. This relates to the book because Charlotte has two valuable relationships at school and at home, one with her mother and the other with her teacher Miss Hancock. Charlotte uses metaphor to express her feelings towards others. Miss Hancock and Charlotte’s mother both have very large impact influencing Charlotte’s life. Miss Hancock has a bold, colorful, unique, lifestyle. However, Charlotte’s mother is more uptight, strict, and has a more proper lifestyle. Charlotte has a bold way of describing the differences between Miss Hancock and her mother. Charlotte represents Miss Hancock as physically out of shape and flamboyant person. The way she dresses may not be like other adults but she is sure found by her students. “Her head was covered with a profusion of small busy curls, which were bright, aggressively, golden”(Willison 65). Her looks and the ways she acts make her seem or friendly. However, her mother appearance is represented as stylish, neat, and perfectly dressed. She is also tall and physically in shape. This shows that she is allowing herself to fit in and receive acceptance from the society. …show more content…

Miss Hancock is a caring teacher that inspires Charlotte to write metaphors. She represents Miss Hancock as found by others. '' We could not have said which we loved best, Miss Hancock or her subject (Willison 66).This shows that Miss Hancock is a unbright person with a great personality and also can connect with others. However, the relationship between Charlotte and her mother is as empty as their home. ''My home, I said aloud, is a box (Wilison 70). I think Charlotte is describing her and her mother's relationship. She feels restrained and suffocated by the four

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