Mercy Killing In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“He shook her then, and he was angry with her. ‘Don’t you go yellin’,’ he said, and he shook her; and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck” (Steinbeck 91). Lennie, in Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a young man, with a figure like bear, who suffers from a mental disorder that gives him an obsession with wanting to touch soft things, such as a girl’s hair. His companion, George, is the exact opposite, being small, with defined features, he is the one who looks after Lennie. They eventually reached their ranch, with a cruel man named Curley and his wife. Curley, is short but is always looking for a fight, already has a problem with Lennie. It certainly does not help when Lennie is found to …show more content…

In the article “Millionaire Admits to ‘Mercy Killing’ of Autistic Son,” Gigi Jordan is the mother of an autistic son named Jude. She is tried for giving an amount of a drug to herself and her son to take both of their lives. One of the reasons that she told the court why she decided to take the life of the two of them was because, “He told her Tzekov [his biological father] had shoved feces in his mouth, stuck needles under his fingernails, and stabbed him in the hand repeatedly in addition to sexual abuse. He told her he was also abused by his adoptive father and Jordan’s ex-husband Raymond Mirra, his wife and two babysitters” (Rosenberg 1). This quote shows that Jude was repeatedly abused by multiple people, some of which would be considered his parental figures. They continually put him through, what could be considered, torture. Jordan had decided to start taking matters into her own hands, because her son was repeatedly abused by his father because of something he had no control over. As any mother would, she did not want to see her little boy be mistreated over and over again, so she had decided to take the life from him and herself. Not being able to bear the emotional pain that would come with seeing Jude be abused or having to kill him while she is still living. Such as with Lennie and George, George could not bear to see Lennie be killed …show more content…

The article “Mercy Killings, Suicide: ‘Social Challenges’ to Be Faced as U.S. Ages” is about a man by the name of John Wise allegedly shooting and killing his wife. Law enforcement’s official statement was that Barbara Wise was suffering from a very serious medical condition. However, Mr. Wise’s attorney decided to let a little bit more out, “But a family friend has said that she had recently suffered a triple cerebral aneurysm, and Wise's attorney, Paul Adamson, told the Los Angeles Times that her condition before entering the hospital had deteriorated so much that ‘there was a feeling she was never going to recover to any quality of life’" (Lynch 1). This quote shows that Mr. Wise and his wife both knew that she was suffering from a very serious condition and that her life was never going to be the same. Barbara was never to have the same view of the world and everything she would have done would have felt completely different and the feeling that would be produced from doing certain activities would change. This quote goes back to Of Mice and Men because Barbara’s condition was slowly getting worse, such as Lennie’s situation just kept getting worse and worse. As if, nothing could ever go completely right for

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