Mercy Among The Children Sparknotes

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In Mercy Among the Children, Sydney and Lyle view faith as the reasoning behind how events unfold. Sydney and Lyle present questions for God, which either strengthen or alters their faith. The Henderson family are active church members and living in the Miramichi stumps, church locations are vast. From the young age of twelve, Sydney’s creates a vow with God help change his concerning violent lifestyle: “Whatever pact you make with God, God will honour. You may not think He does, but then do you really know the pact you have already made? Understand the pact you have made, and you will understand how God honours it” (Richards 24). Notably, Sydney put his trust in God with the expectation that his only chance at change is with God’s guidance. At this moment, Sydney professes his faith …show more content…

I waited outside. I promised myself I would not go to church again, for anyone” (Richards 194). Lyle forces the blame onto God instead of realizing his mistakes and his frustrations with himself. When Lyle curses Percy, he would not have done so if he felt that God’s power is non-existent. However, like Sydney, Lyle at some point attends church and prays for Elly’s sake an end the drought of miscarriages. Sydney and Lyle similarly, when the Henderson’s are disappointed by the churches response amongst the allegations on Sydney, Lyle is quick to turn his back on the church when it is his father who is being ridiculed as Sidney states: “we still have our faith in God that everything will turn out.” (Richards 115). Nevertheless, Sydney soon stops going to church, refusing communion just as Lyle. Yet Lyle believes this is true to who they are: “When I talked to God I did not ask why things happened- I accused him of what was happening- that was the essential difference between father and me.” (Richards 89). Both call on good in tough times, though Sydney seeks answers and Lyle searches for

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