Meow Meow: What You Can Learn about Freelancing from Cats

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Behold, peasants of the freelancing realm, for kings and queens of the Internet have something to say to you. Listen carefully, because royals do not repeat. Even though their only job is to be cute and exploit the affections of humanity, cats can give you some valuable insights about making your freelance business more effective and, therefore, profitable (which will lead to you buying more expensive treats for your kitty, so don’t think that their intentions are purely charitable). Therefore, listen!
Sleep Well
18 hours a day. Have you heard? 18 hours a day! Your cat is spending the majority of his life drifting in the realm of dreams about endless supplies of tuna, Internet fame and dogs minimized to the size of flea, while you are struggling to earn him those goods.
You don’t need as much sleep as your cute feline does, however, make sure to have a good slumber. Sleep-deprived freelancer is grumpy, laggard and unproductive. His brain does not work as it should, he does not come up with new ideas, he does a sucky job, and he has no desire to work whatsoever. Advice of kitty:
Have a nap, regain you strength, and get back to work. But before that, pet me.
Take Care of Yourself
Sweet benefit of freelancer’s routine: you can dress in rags, your desk can look as if a stampede ran over it, and you can work while sitting on a bathroom throne and enjoying (not really) a serious case of diarrhea – no one will care.
Kitties, on the other hand, are rather obsessed with being neat and tidying everything around them. Even if that involves licking their private parts in front of you, rest assured, they will be in their top form. No excuses.
This should be your policy too. I know, it’s very tempting to spend all the day hanging around in an...

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... as theirs? Be loud about it.
If anyone tries to treat you like a trash, make sure to show them: it’s a very bad idea. In the end, no one respects those who do not respect themselves. You don’t want to end up in this position.
Never Give Up
Final advice from the royals of the Internet: if you have a goal, work and never give up. If a kitty wants that tasty sandwich with salmon from your table, it’s guaranteed that he will get it. No. Matter. What. Cats are determined and persistent. In one way or another, sooner or later, they will achieve their goal.
There’s absolutely no reason why you should not do the same. Yes, there will be criticism. Yes, some people won’t understand your decision. Yes, the live of a freelancer is a little bit more complicated than that of an ordinary employee. But should that stop you? No. Be a cat: know your goal and work to get it. Period.

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