Men And Women Equality Essay

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I. Introduction: Men. Women. Equality. In today’s social society, people are still being discriminated by gender, whether they are capable to do the work or anything. In addition, the common stereotypes still exist, because they were passed down from past generations, in which created more movements for each sex. Before the 1920’s, men were considered more powerful or have more rights than women, then after that period of time, women had made an impact to have equal rights. (a) Thesis Statement: Men and women had to faced many issues on equal rights, which it is important to educated the social society because it displays our humanity and determines ethical values.
II. Media
a. “The problem was that the slogan is associated with a feminist …show more content…

It describes a challenge that women in South Korea had to face in a gaming industry. Also, displays that a slogan can actually take a women’s job for just expressing her opinion and trying to expand their experiences to the world. In other words, media has made an impact to the social society, by creating this feminist group to display their lifestyles.
c. “The responsibility lies firmly at the door of the media, who should work to ensure that women’s achievement and not just their looks are celebrated” (Thomas 2016).
d. Thomas’s article was displaying that media had made a negative and positive impact to gender equality, especially women. Furthermore, media has change humanity, by having both sex fighting with each other in social media. However, the media should have “no reason what a women was wearing should be a headline in a story over her achievements”, then learn what women are capable of.
III. Either in a poor or develop country, each sex should have equal rights to expressed their values or opinions, so they can evaluate their human life.
a. “the assumption that the majority of men can be made to care about these issues and will do something to change their behavior. It’s about persuading men to care and act” (Bader …show more content…

Bader’s article explains that men should step up to support women’s rights, also fight against violence. Including, allowing men to understand or be educated to be a better human being and let women have a chance to change the world. As it expands to other countries of how important to keep ethical values, so that people can help others like men to woman.
IV. Lifestyle
a. “This New Wave feminism is shaped less by a shared struggle against oppression than by a collective embrace of individual freedoms, concerned less with targeting narrowly defined enemies than with broadening feminism’s reach through inclusiveness, and held together not by a handful of national organizations and charismatic leaders but by the invisible bonds of the Internet and social media” (Sheinin, Thompson, Mc Donald, Clement 2016).
b. As it shows that the movement has faced many obstacles like the internet and social media, even if they have other national organizations that are helping them. The feminism movement had to live with many oppressions or discriminated from other events, because it allows violence and problems with other people. However, they will fight against hatred and find a way to have equal rights, also educate the social society that women have a

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