Memory Pattern In Literature

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Memory, symbol, and pattern affect the reading of literature in many different ways. In a sense, memory affects the reading of literature because it allows you to make connections between different pieces of text and recognize patterns that may occur as you read. As for patterns, they can stem out and allow you to reveal meanings that were hidden within the text. If something is repeatedly stated, it becomes clear that it is of vital importance in fully understanding what is happening in the text or a piece that is being read. Without this, reading literature can become very complicated in that we would not be able to realize the actual meaning of the text and what the author is trying to tell us as readers. Without patterns, the author would …show more content…

In Paper Towns, the idea of just that, paper towns, was discussed a lot by the main characters, and it seemed to appear as a main theme in the novel. Upon understanding what a paper town is, a fake town put on maps by cartographers as a symbol of copyright, I began to wonder what exactly the significance was that it had to the novel, besides obviously the fake town aspect. As I continued to read the book over and over again, I finally stopped one day on a quote that Margo, one of the main characters says. She states, “A paper town for a paper girl.” Upon continually skimming over this quote, I realized that maybe paper towns was supposed to be taken as literally as possible. With words such as not real, fake, and other things that I correlated with paper like “weak” and “easily damaged” swirling around in my head, I began to realize that maybe when Margo said “A paper town for a papergirl” what she really meant was a fake town for a ‘fake’ girl. Not that necessarily Margo was a fake character but you could tell from the start of the novel that she didn’t belong with the people she was hanging out with. It was almost as if she was leading a fake life; and that, I take it, is essentially why she wanted to leave and go to a paper town so that she could finally embrace her real self.

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